Saturday, November 6, 2010

And so it begins... again!

My husband Calum Mackay (SCA name) and I met almost ten years ago while both involved in the SCA in the East Kingdom.  Calum had been a Scadian for many years and I was a just getting into it.  We both really enjoyed it but within 2 years of becoming a couple we found ourselves in a new state, with a new baby, in a new Kingdom.  After we got settled we tried to get in with the local group but it wasn't the same for us without our friends there.  We had busy lives and just kept telling ourselves that one day we would be back to the SCA again.

So eight years, a move to yet another state and two more kids later, here we are... ready to take the leap and become true Scadians once more.  I have contacted the local Canton of Buckston on Eno (Durham, NC) and their next regular meeting is on November 23.  We plan to be there!

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