Friday, January 14, 2011

A&S 50 Challenge - My Personal Challenge(s)

Ok, I have been doing a lot of thinking about the A&S 50 Challenge and exactly what the challenge meant to me personally.  There are so many options (even within the three major options posted on the site) to choose from.  It seems that the mantra of the people involved in the challenge is, "It is what you make of it."  Which of course means that it is different for everyone and that the challenge is to challenge yourself.

So, all my thinking has got me to this end... I will be doing three sets of challenges!

The first will be to have 50 new things that I have personally made that my persona would have owned and used (under option 3 in the official challenge).  What this means is that the 50 things must have been created by my hand even if my persona, Elsbeth, would not have personally known how to create it herself but still would have owned the item.  This will include individual pieces of clothing, sewing tools, cooking equipment, household items, books, etc.
The second challenge will be 50 new skills that I learn along the way (under option 2).  So, these are not necessarily skills my persona would know how to do but things that I learned here in the mundane world to make her world more real.

Finally, my third challenge will be to research and make 50 new recipes that my persona would have routinely made in her home for her family.  I may stretch this a bit to include baked goods which were not often done by the home cook due to lack of ovens in the home.  Baking was usually done by the town baker.  Still if it was an item that my persona would have purchased to serve at a family meal I will be including it in the challenge.

So, that's it, my personal challenges.  I am so looking forward to getting my list started.  Look for additional pages to this blog to track my progress.

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