(Rumpolt 1581, 47)
47 Nim m ein Rindernbraten/ vnd beiß jn vber Nacht/ thu halb Wasser/ vnnd halb Essig/ auch gestossen Knobloch/ in die Bru:eh/ vnnd ein wenig Saltz/ laß den Braten vber Nacht darinnen ligen/ vnd deß Morgens fru:eh thu jn auß der Bru:eh/ vnd saltz jn ein/ steck jn an/ vnd laß jn braten. Nim m die Bru:eh/ da der Brat innen gelegen/ seig sie ab/ so bleibet das dick auff dem Boden/ thu es in ein kleinen Fischkessel/ mit ein wenig gestossen Pfeffer/ vnd frischer vnzerlassener Butter/ vnnd laß sieden/ setz es in einer vberzinten Bratpfann vnter den Braten/ vnd begeuß den Braten darmit/ so ist es ein gut Essen fu:er die Vngerischen vnd Polnischen Herrn.
47. Take a beef roast/ and marinate it overnight / put half water and half vinegar/ also crushed garlic/ in the broth (brine)/ and a little salt/ let the roast lie therein over night/ the next morning early take it from the brine/ and salt it/ stick it on [a rotisserie or spit]/ and let it roast. Take the brine/ in which the roast was marinated/ pour it off/ so the thick bits remain on the bottom (of the marinating bowl)/ put it into a small Fishpot/ with a little crushed pepper/ and fresh unmelted butter/ and let it simmer/ set a tinned fryingpan under the roast and pour this over the roast/ so it is a good meal for Hungarian and Polish gentlemen.
My Redaction:
4 lbs Stew Beef (it is what I had in the freezer that I needed to use up)
2 Cups Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Cups Water
1 Tbsp Sea Salt
6-8 Garlic Cloves, crushed
1/2 tsp Black Pepper, or to taste
2 Tbsp Butter
(Welserin 1553)
119. Wiltú gesotten krepfflen machen. So nim ain mangoldt, als vill dú wilt, ain wenig ain salúa, ain maseron, ain rosmarin, hacks vnnderainander, thú ain geriben kesß aúch darein, schlag air darein, bis dú mainst, das es recht seý/ rerlach, negellach, pfeffer, weinber nim aúch darein vnnd machs jn den taig zú krapffen, lasß sieden, wie man herte air seudt, so send sý gemacht.
Translation: (Armstrong 1998, 119)
119. If you would make boiled dumplings. Then take chard, as much as you like, some sage, marjoram and rosemary, chop it together, also put grated cheese into it and beat eggs therein until you think that it is right. Take also cinnamon, cloves, pepper and raisins and put them into the dumpling batter. Let the dumplings cook, as one cooks a hard-boiled egg, then they are ready.
My Redaction:
10 Slices Bread or small rolls (Semmel)
1 lb Chard or Spinach, fresh
1 t Sage
1 t Marjoram
1 t Rosemary
½ cup Cheese, grated
3-5 Eggs
Pinch Cinnamon
Pinch Cloves
Slice bread into small pieces and chop the greens finely. Mix bread, greens, spices and cheese together. Add eggs one at a time until moist enough to form into dumplings 1 inch in diameter. Cook in salt water for 20 minutes. Serve.
Note: I omitted the raisins due to my family's taste preferences.
[1] Bread is not listed in the recipe but I believe it was because any good hausfrau would know that to make bread dumplings you must add bread as was common at the time.
Carrots in Cream
(Rumpolt 1581), Vegetables 186
186. Nim{b} Ruben/ setz sie in einem Wasser zu/ vnnd lasz sie sieden/ bisz sie gar werden/ schu:et sie auff ein Durchschlag/ vnd ku:els ausz/ hack sie klein/ nim{b} butter in einen Fischkessel/ vnnd mach sie heisz/ thu die gahackte Ruben darein/ vnd ru:ers vmb. Dasz wolgeschweiszt wirt/ mach es mit gesottener Milch vnd Saltz ab/ gibs warm auff ein Tisch/ so ist es gut vnd wolgeschmack.
186. Take roots/ put them in a water/ and let them simmer/ till they are done/ pour them onto a strainer/ and cool them/ chop them small/ take butter in a fishkettle/ and make it hot/ put the chopped roots therein/ and stir it. Sweat it well/ season it with scalded milk and salt/ give it warm to the table/ so it is good and welltasting.
My Redaction:
1 lb Carrots, sliced thick
2 tbls Butter
1 tsp Sea Salt, coarse
1/4 cup Heavy Cream
Cook carrots in water until just fork tender (not too soft). Meanwhile heat heavy cream in a small saucepan, do not boil. Strain carrots and saute in butter. Season with salt and add cream to coat. Serve warm.
Armstrong, Valoise tr. Das Kuchbuch der Sabina Welserin (1553). 1998.
Grasse, M. (Gwen Catrin von Berlin) tr. Ein New Kochbuch by Marx Rumpolt (1581). 1999-2002. Rumpolt, Marx. Ein New Kochbuch. 1581.
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